Construction Committee

Committee Meetings

5/14/2025 - Construction Committee

4/16/2025 - Construction Committee

3/19/2025 - Construction Committee

2/19/2025 - Construction Committee

1/15/2025 - Construction Committee

11/20/2024 - Construction Committee

10/23/2024 - Construction Committee

9/18/2024 - Construction Committee

7/17/2024 - Construction Committee

6/20/2024 - Construction Committee Cancelled

5/16/2024 - Construction Committee

4/18/2024 - Construction Committee

3/21/2024 - Construction Committee

2/15/2024 - Construction Committee Cancelled

1/18/2024 - Construction Committee

11/16/2023 - Construction Committee

10/19/2023 - Construction Committee

9/21/2023 - Construction Committee

7/20/2023 - Construction Committee

6/15/2023 - Construction Committee

5/18/2023 - Construction Committee

4/20/2023 - Construction Committee

3/16/2023 - Construction Committee

2/16/2023 - Construction Committee

1/19/2023 - Construction Committee

11/17/2022 - Construction Committee

10/20/2022 - Construction Committee

9/15/2022 - Construction Committee

8/18/2022 - Construction Committee

6/16/2022 - Construction Committee

5/19/2022 - Construction Committee

4/21/2022 - Construction Committee

3/17/2022 - Construction Committee Cancelled

2/17/2022 - Construction Committee

1/20/2022 - Construction Committee

11/18/2021 - Construction Committee

10/21/2021 - Construction Committee

9/16/2021 - Construction Committee

7/15/2021 - Construction Committee

6/17/2021 - Construction Committee

5/20/2021 - Construction Committee

4/15/2021 - Construction Committee

3/18/2021 - Construction Committee

2/18/2021 - Construction Committee

1/21/2021 - Construction Committee

11/19/2020 - Construction Committee

10/15/2020 - Construction Committee

9/17/2020 - Construction Committee

8/20/2020 - Construction Committee

6/18/2020 - Construction Committee

5/21/2020 - Construction Committee

4/16/2020 - Construction Committee

3/19/2020 - Construction Committee Cancelled

2/20/2020 - Construction Committee

1/16/2020 - Construction Committee

11/21/2019 - Construction Committee

10/17/2019 - Construction Committee

9/19/2019 - Construction Committee

7/18/2019 - Construction Committee

6/20/2019 - Construction Committee

5/16/2019 - Construction Committee

4/18/2019 - Construction Committee

3/21/2019 - Construction Committee

2/21/2019 - Construction Committee

1/17/2019 - Construction Committee

11/15/2018 - Construction Committee

10/18/2018 - Construction Committee

9/20/2018 - Construction Committee

7/19/2018 - Construction Committee

6/21/2018 - Construction Committee

5/17/2018 - Construction Committee

4/12/2018 - Construction Committee

3/15/2018 - Construction Committee

2/15/2018 - Construction Committee

1/18/2018 - Construction Committee

11/16/2017 - Construction Committee

10/19/2017 - Construction Committee

9/21/2017 - Construction Committee

7/20/2017 - Construction Committee

6/15/2017 - Construction Committee

5/18/2017 - Construction Committee

4/20/2017 - Construction Committee

3/16/2017 - Construction Committee Cancelled

2/16/2017 - Construction Committee

1/19/2017 - Construction Committee

11/17/2016 - Construction Committee

10/20/2016 - Construction Committee

9/15/2016 - Construction Committee

8/18/2016 - Construction Committee Cancelled

6/16/2016 - Construction Committee

5/19/2016 - Construction Committee

4/14/2016 - Construction Committee

3/17/2016 - Construction Committee

2/18/2016 - Construction Committee Cancelled

1/21/2016 - Construction Committee

11/19/2015 - Construction Committee

10/15/2015 - Construction Committee

9/17/2015 - Construction Committee

7/16/2015 - Construction Committee

6/18/2015 - Construction Committee

5/21/2015 - Construction Committee

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Committee Members

Member Title Committee Role
Fernando Dutra
Fernando Dutra Appointee of Los Angeles County City Selection Committee Chair
Ara J. Najarian
Ara J. Najarian Appointee of the Los Angeles County City Selection Committee Vice Chair
Paul Krekorian
Paul Krekorian Appointee of the Mayor of the City of Los Angeles Member
Hilda L. Solis
Hilda L. Solis Los Angeles County Board Supervisor Member
Katy Yaroslavsky
Katy Yaroslavsky Appointee of the Mayor of the City of Los Angeles Member
Gloria Roberts
Gloria Roberts District 7 Director Nonvoting Member

Chief Executive Officer

Stephanie Wiggins
Stephanie Wiggins Chief Executive Officer